It’s hot out there; Long Beach offers tips and locations to stay cool
No A/C at home? Visit a city library or community center.
Temperatures are expected to climb as high as the mid-90s in Long Beach this week, so the city is reminding residents that its libraries and community centers are a free place to cool off.
Centers at Admiral Kidd, Houghton, McBride, Cesar Chavez and El Dorado Park West are open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (click here for addresses), and most of the city’s 12 branch libraries are open daily (select a specific location here for operating hours).
City Health Officer Dr. Anissa Davis also recommends that people stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, try to do outdoor activities in the mornings and evenings, and stay in air conditioning or take a cool bath or shower during the hottest part of the day (noon to 6 p.m.), according to a city news release.
Also, make sure pets have shade and plenty of water, and check on friends and neighbors who aren’t able to leave their homes to make sure they’re not overheated.
For more heat-related tips and information and an interactive map of cooling centers, click here.
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