Views | When compassion is just a buzzword: The city’s homeless strategy prioritizes enforcement over humanity

Let’s be honest: “anti-camping” is a sanitized way of saying we intend to criminalize poverty.

Views | When compassion is just a buzzword: The city’s homeless strategy prioritizes enforcement over humanity
An unhoused man in a wheelchair sits outside a tent, one of about a dozen at Veterans Park in Long Beach's North Wrigley neighborhood, across the street from Jackie Robinson Academy (K-8) Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024. Photo by Brandon Richardson.

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When the city of Long Beach claims it’s “leading with compassion” in its response to homelessness, we should all pause and ask: What does compassion really look like?

On Aug. 12, the city of Long Beach released a memo detailing its response to the recent Supreme Court ruling in Grants Pass v. Johnson. This decision, which effectively gives cities the green light to enforce anti-camping laws even when shelter options are scarce, was a blow to those who believe in a compassionate, service-oriented approach to homelessness. 

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