Scratch this: Meet the pets and their grateful humans at the new pet food pantry!

Unhoused people and pets benefit from a joint project involving Project Street Vet, John Legend, the Multi-Service Center and the LBC

Scratch this: Meet the pets and their grateful humans at the new pet food pantry!
Diana Geosano, Project Street Vet’s Long Beach ambassador, is flanked by two other animal heroes: musician John Legend, holding a bag of his Kismet dog food brand, and Dr. Kwane Stewart, founder of Project Street Vet. Photo by Kate Karp.

Last Friday, July 12, 40 pets and 22 of their human family members took part in a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new pet food pantry. The pantry, located at the Long Beach Multi-Service Center, will help people feed and care for the animals who love and protect them and who may be their only friends. Read Alicia Robinson’s Long Beach Watchdog article for a full account of the pet food pantry event.

“The pantry is entirely funded by donations,” said Jennifer Rice Epstein, the Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services public affairs officer. “Project Street Vet has provided the actual pantry itself, and they have committed to keeping it stocked with food. We also take donations — we have drive-thrus where you can bring food and treats and leashes. Kismet has donated 2,500 pounds of dog food to get started, and Project Street Vet has committed to keeping it filled.”

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