Don’t let Long Beach’s stories go untold, help us make The Watchdog sustainable

We want to dedicate our time to covering Long Beach, but we need your support to make that happen.

Don’t let Long Beach’s stories go untold, help us make The Watchdog sustainable
Caitlin Antonios pickets alongside eight of her colleagues who were laid off by the Long Beach Post and Business Journal and three striking reporters in late March. Photo by Brandon Richardson.
The Watchdog is Long Beach's largest newsroom — for now. We need your help to keep it that way. Our goal is to reach 1,000 paying subscribers by the end of September. To help us get there, we’re offering a 10% discount on our annual subscription. Sign up here.

Dear readers, 

When I was hired by the Long Beach Post to write about food and the city’s diverse restaurant industry, it was a dream come true. Although Long Beach is not small, it is a tight-knit community — one that I got to know very well during my time as food and dining reporter at the Post before I was laid off on March 22.

Today, I'm still covering that community under the Long Beach Watchdog.

Because I am just one person covering the city’s food scene, I've felt an immense responsibility to tell the stories that matter and tell as many of them as I can.

During my most productive (and arguably most insane) weeks at the Post, I was publishing more than 10 stories per week; everything from quick briefs to longer features and even some scoops and investigations in between. On my “slow” weeks, I rarely published less than four stories. 

These numbers aren’t impressive, many journalists in that newsroom did the same because we all had the same motivation — we love Long Beach. That's why we believe it deserves a strong press.

While the Post boasted then that it was the largest newsroom in the city, with over a dozen reporters on its payroll, we knew it still wouldn't be enough. That’s why we spoke out against the mass layoffs that ultimately ended my career there. It's also why the Post's remaining reporters chose to walk out in solidarity.

Caitlin Antonios interviews food author Sara Forte. Photo by Brandon Richardson.

Now, we’re working together under the new Long Beach Watchdog. Since we launched in April, the community support has been incredible, but, I'll be honest — it's been an uphill battle to produce quality content while worrying about whether I'll make rent.

To turn Watchdog into a sustainable business that will not only preserve jobs but provide the strongest reporting in town for years to come, we need readers (like you) to subscribe. 

We believe that it’s an investment that will give dividends. The Watchdog is committed to holding government officials accountable, reporting on policy changes that directly affect your lives, telling you about that great new restaurant for your next date night, highlighting community leaders and arts, and so much more. 

We have big dreams for this publication which we have all been contributing to for the past three months without pay. Having a sustainable, fair living will only increase our output and allow us to cover Long Beach the way it deserves to be. 

You can be a part of helping us build this by becoming a paying subscriber. Through September, we’re offering 10% off our annual membership.

We must reach 1,000 paying subscribers by the end of the summer to keep the Watchdog running — can you help? If you're already a subscriber, donate here.

Caitlin Antonios

Food and dining reporter, Long Beach Watchdog

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